big corporations
and now i feel so ashamed
i've been a big fan of uo since my first year college in chicago, it was just so easy to decorate my own little pad with the colorful cool stuff i could find there, esp when there was a sale...
i've many clothes and accessories from there too... fortunately i got only the other brands that they carry, and not the uo brand.. and alot of my x'mas presents were from there too... courtesy of my pals who were in new york...
and i almost sent in some samples of my stuff mid of last year, backed out in the last minute because i didn't think i could or wanted to meet their quantity requirements and also have heard that they will push your prices to the very bare minimum...
in chinese, we call them "jian" or "cheap"... must big corporations be so "jian" in order to become big or maintain their bigness? or must anyone be "jian" in order to become big? pardon my horrendous english :p
tsk tsk tsk...
as you can see with the jonny cupcakes incident, it is a case of "concept theft", and that is not legally covered as far as i know, because concepts cannot be copyrighted..
i never knew they were fucking so many young and small designers out there, if i had known earlier, i wouldn't have contributed to their profits... i love anthropologie too, which belongs to the same coroporation as uo... heck, their boutique is just right below my apt in chicago... and uo was just a 10 mins walk away... i shouldn't have stayed downtown so near my school huh...
denise! i've replied your email! did you get it? got the package yet?
lots of emails from our forestprints account are going into people's junk mail folder... so to all of you out there, if you're waiting for an email reply from us, or have signed up for our mailing list, please add our email addy to your safe list and address book
i managed to find a new part-time sewer last week, am trying out her skills and workmanship, so will hope for good news when i get to see the "trial" order i've let her work on *keeping fingers, toes, and eyes crossed*
5 blabbers:
hello Lynda, ive just email you, it totally sucks what there doing to indie designers X_X corporate assholes ;o.
Kimberly Per blabbered...
not in total shock. its just sad for indy designers to have to realize that some people in this world are out for a buck and looking to step on anyone in their way.
hate uo anyway. too bad they own anthropologie.
scumbags in pretty clothes.
dang. i love those brands... will not put up with that nonsense though...
Er I don't understand...did Johnny Cupcakes steal a design from you?
nope, tscd, urban outfitters (this very hip and popular and trendy boutique chain in united states, but now, just blah to us all.. haha) has supposedly ripped off johnny cupcakes' design, did you go see his website? there's the whole story about it.
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