sad state of design + retail in singapore
by joyce teo
[... In his view (Mr Tang Wee Sung, who heads listed retail chain C.K. Tang), Singaporeans are generally not design conscious. Price is their overriding concern. "You'll be surprised. Even those who can afford it are not willing to spend," he said.
This absence of a sense for the aesthetics can be partly attributed to the lack of media support and fashion role models in Government, he said.
For example, newspapers do not put fashion stories on Page 1, he said.
And like Mr Tang, retailers insist they canno take the lead. Said the executive director of Wing Tai Retail, Helen Khoo:"If there's a market, retailers will be adventurous. Retailers cannot dictate."
... Still, Mr Tang appears to feel that Orchard Road, Singapore's main shopping street, can do with less.
Instead of developing every square inch of space, leave some fallow as a green lung for shoppers to take a break and enjoy the area's buzz, he said.
He also suggested the setting up of bohemian areas, where retail start-ups can form their base.
"Being bohemian is a dirty word here. Anything that looks bohemian is likely to be torn down, redeveloped and sanitised to death," he said.
"We're not a theme park," he added.]
and i couldn't agree more... like i've always commented... this place is way toooo sanitised and rigid in almost every way possible, from the politics and education to the arts, culture, and social mentality and mannerisms...
i'm not one of those who always feel that the grass is always greener on the other side, and do not appreciate our country's advancement, peace and cleanliness. on the contrary, i'm proud of all these good positive stuff.. but there's only so much i can take of superficial empty goodness... the backward social culture and mentality is lagging so far behind that it simply cannot catch up with our country's way advanced economic status...
4 blabbers:
In my country, leading women from the goverment(i mean, ministers!) were tastefully photographed for VOGUE magazine wearing spanish fashion...they got so criticized, but i´m so proud!
how fun.. that will NOT happen over here... i'd say most, if not, all our ministers are clueless about fashion, art and design etc. i was actually at a recent art exhibition opening, where a particular minister, whom i shall not name, a VIP guest at that function, gave a speech, which included very needless information about how he knows absolutely nothing about art or how to appreciate it.. and how he knows about one famous local artist because that artist's paintings were too expensive.
i don't remember his exact words, but those were more or less it..
i left 5 mins after the opening ceremony, disgusted..
How disheartening! It is so sad, a society that only values money and thinks nothing of the fine arts, of design, of books, good cinema...i think this is happening everywhere =(
You can imagine, they invited a minister who knows shit about the arts to give a speech at the opening ceremony of a pretty big art exhibition opening.
And what with all the bullshit they have been sprouting up with these couple of months about spicing up the local arts and entertainment scene, the casinos etc. They should all go to a fashion, art and design crash course, learn to shake their bootie right at our coolest clubs, and THEN tell us what is or what is not art or antertainment. Ppfftttt...
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