my small bid in facebook
first of all, thanks for being in littleoddforest's facebook group!
{{{ big group hugs }}}
littleoddforest is 1 of 27 designers/artists/crafters in the running for's NEXT BIG THING 2008! This is our 2nd time winning (1st time was in 2006!), but our 1st to have the part whereby 1 ultimate winner gets $1000!
the competition is always tough, not only because there are so many other awesome stuff out there, but also because, as the fredflare peeps said it, "I guarantee the $1000 WINNER of this contest is the designer that did the most campaigning..."
woah! i'm not good at that AT ALL (ahem, i'm trying now though! ha!). But it would be totally lame to lose and then say you hadn't tried to put in any effort to win at all... yeah.
So, the $1000 is not the main point, really. Although it would definitely come in handy in helping me pay a bit for the new embroidery machine I've been aiming for. Our main aim is international fame and ultimately, big fortune. Haha! Totally Kiddin'! The embroidery machine is for real though.
Enough shameless plugging. Thank YOU ALL so very much for all the support and encouragement you've given to littleoddforest and me! In every way you have and possibly could. For the past 3++ years!! Time flies!
Now, please go vote away!
Vote for littleoddforest if you love us and what we do!
If you vote for us, I will give you a really Big Hug if I get to see you! Just ask if I forget to ;)
p.s. Forestprints Design, which is my main registered business, will be turning 4 in August 8/ and our website will be 4 this October 28! We'll be having some "specials" to celebrate the event, so look out for that too!
2 blabbers:
you sure its for embroidery machine?? not that old ah ma sewing machine? ehehhehehe
If u win, I want a treat. I'm pretty sure i played a BIG part. and i heard from someone that going out with you is like going out with a mini-celeb!! ooooOHhhhh.... what, ppl just come up and say hi to u???? SCARY!!
mizz u lotsss!!!!
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