forestprints art
i've not stated before, but the ART section not only comprises of small paintings done by me, but also stuff from my dad. he works under his mandarin name ~ ruikun. well, my dad's an artist, since.. forever.. i love his obsessive pen drawings, which have a nature theme to them. he's mostly an abstract painter but does a few sculptures now and then, an art collector, chinese antique curator, and gallery owner.
i was suppose to have started work on his website long ago... but it was just impossible to squeeze out anymore time for this extra project... sorry dad...
oh, and i'm not going crazy or anything, mao... so don't worry lady.. my mood may be crankier than normally permitted for these few weeks.. so sorry about that... i've had to deal with more than handful of jerks, tricky customers and anal issues, in addition to design work, forestprints wholesale orders and some major hiccups... things seem to like to foul up all together at the same time.. and then you're reminded yet again that.. heck.. that's the way the real world works.. everyone for themselves and no one will give shit about you if they're not going to be benefitting from you in some way or the other... not everything is "ooh you're so nice! ooh i love you! ooh i'd be so glad to help! ooh no problem at all!" blah blah blah.... actually most times they aren't like that at all... and many times when it seems to be like that, it's mostly empty words which aren't sincere and mean nothing... so 'whack' wake up time again lynda..
anyhow.. i've another surprise coming up! so i'm excited about that.. and i'll keep up on thinking positive today... hope i don't lost control and snap or anything...
5 blabbers:
I won't be able to put myself in your shoes, I am but a humble slave serving my company, my boss and my mundane work, like most other people in this world. But jus needed 2 let you know that you still have us and our support, and we WILL have a rocking good time this Saturday, so don't forget our date!!!
congrats on getting the art up... it looks FAB!
thanks!! :D
this is lovely!
I really love your colors.
Very nice stuff.... I'm looking forward to seeing more!
thanks for your comments! your drawings are fantastic btw! love 'em!
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